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2015 POWIIS 국제학교 퍼포먼스 POST

페이지 정보

작성자 에듀페낭 작성일15-06-30 09:46 조회1,592회 댓글0건




POWIIS 국제학교에서 미녀와 야수 공연을 합니다.

날짜 : 2015년 7월 2일 - 4일

장소 : School Auditorium


좌석이 한정되 있으니 미리 예약하고 관람하시길 바랍니다.


POWIIS is proud to present to you its third school production. 

This year Disney's Beauty and the Beast will be performed from Thursday 2nd July to Saturday 4th July 2015

in the School Auditorium. Please share this post with your friends and family and join us to enjoy the show.

Seats are limited. To purchase tickets, please do not hesitate to contact our Marketing Executive,

Mr Justin Loke on 04-8689811 or email us at tickets@powiis.edu.my.

We hope to see you there!


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