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코로나 확진자 적을경우, 등교수업 허용가능 (6월9일에 결정)

페이지 정보

작성자 에듀페낭 작성일20-05-30 12:12 조회1,445회 댓글0건



Dr Noor Hisham: If Malaysia’s Covid-19 cases remain low, govt to decide June 9 whether schools, more social sectors will be allowed to reopen

코로나 확진자가 적게 발생하고 통제할수 있는 수준의 상태 이면, 학교등교가 가능 할 것이라고....
6월9일까지 상황을 보고 결정 할것이라고 합니다.
현재까지의 분위기로는 나름 잘 통제하면서 왔다고 만족하는 느낌 이네요.


 The Health Ministry will consider opening up the education sector, including public schools, as well as more social sectors if the country can maintain a daily lower double digit or even single digit Covid-19 infection rate among Malaysians.

Its director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah told the daily Covid-19 press conference that Putrajaya’s main concern right now is the recent Hari Raya Aidilfitri festive season and whether it will have any impact on the pandemic’s rate of infection in Malaysia.

“Today we see that the collaboration between inter-ministry efforts and the public has shown that we can bring down the cases. The strategy of applying the conditional movement control order (CMCO) was fruitful.





1. 말레이시아 페낭&랑카위 (생활,교육,정착,부동산) 단체 톡방 입니다.


2. 국제학교/VISA/홈스테이/한달살기 블로그


3. 페낭,랑카위 부동산/교육/MM2H/답사&정착 (에듀페낭)



   힘들고 어려울때도 자리를 지키는 믿음과 신뢰가 있는 "페낭여행하기" 입니다. 


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