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말레이시아 졸업반 수험생 우선 등교예정

페이지 정보

작성자 에듀페낭 작성일20-05-19 07:20 조회1,503회 댓글0건



SPM, SVM, STPM, STAM classes given priority, says Muhyiddin

시험반에 있는 학생들을 우선적으로 학교에 등교시킬 예정 인것 같습니다.

코로나19 교육부의 SOP(표준행동절차)에 따라서 학생들을 지도할 것이라고 합니다. 





KUALA LUMPUR: Only classes for top-tier school examinations will be prioritised upon the reopening of schools to ensure the safety of students in general, Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said.

The examinations are Malaysian Education Certificate (SPM), Malaysian Vocational Certificate (SVM), Malaysian Higher Education Certificate (STPM) and Malaysian Higher Islamic Religious Certificate (STAM).

"When schools are reopened, for starters, we will give priority to students who will be sitting for the SPM, SVM, STPM and STAM examinations to return to school.

"This is to ensure that the (standard operating procedures) SOPs on social distancing and personal hygiene as set by the Education Ministry can be carried out.



1. 말레이시아 페낭&랑카위 (생활,교육,정착,부동산) 단체 톡방 입니다.

2. 국제학교/VISA/홈스테이/한달살기 블로그

3. 페낭,랑카위 부동산/교육/MM2H/답사&정착 (에듀페낭)

  페낭과 랑카위에오실때는 힘들고 어려울때도 자리를 지키는
  믿음과 신뢰가 있는 "페낭여행하기" 입니다.





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