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말레이시아 정보게시판

10 best islands for a Malaysia (말레이시아 추천 섬여행)

페이지 정보

작성자 에듀페낭 작성일21-02-01 12:05 조회1,244회 댓글0건


CNN에서 추천하는 말레이시아 TOP 10 섬여행지 입니다.

한달살기 많이들 오셔서, 마음에 찜하셨던 곳을 많이들 여행 하시거든요.

아직은 코로나로 많이 어렵지만,

백신이 2월달부터 접종 시작이 되면, 연말에는 안전하게 여행를 하실수,

있으실 거에요.​




Here, in no particular order, we present 10 of the best islands in Malaysia:

(아래에, 나열되어 있는 순서는 특별한 의미 없이 랜덤한 순서 입니다.)


1. Penang(페낭) : Food and heritage​


The Pearl of the Orient has a long and illustrious history. "Discovered" by Captain Francis Light in 1786, Prince of Wales Island (as it once was known) was for a long time one of the jewels of the British Empire.


추천숙소 : Since 1948, the recently restored Lone Pine sits serenely on the north shore of the island, while for city digs look no further than the Hotel Penaga, heritage buildings in the heart of town. Attracting a lot of attention among luxury lovers is the Eastern & Oriental Hotel, a restored colonial property.​ 


2. Langkawi(랑카위): Best for luxury 


Located right by the border with Thailand, Langkawi is part of the Malaysian state of Kedah, not Perlis which is in fact directly adjacent. Langkawi is duty-free island.


Langkawi has by far the best flight connections of any Malaysian island, with dozens of daily flights to Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and Penang.


추천숙소 : They don't come much more stylish --- or eclectic --- than Bon Ton, eight traditional Malay homes set in a former coconut plantation. Or there's always the Four Seasons Resort Langkawi.


​3. Perhentians: Hippie hideaway

4. Tioman(티오만): An island for flashpackers

5. Labuan(라부안): An isle of bankers

6. Layang-Layang: Isolation guaranteed

7. Sipadan: For hard-core divers

8. Redang(르당): For a 'Summer Holiday'

9. Rawa: For a weekend break

10. Pangkor(팡코르): Loved by locals​



오늘 하루도 안전하고, 건강한 하루 되세요. 





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