오늘방문자수 : 65
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말레이시아 정보게시판
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말레이시아 정보게시판

페낭힐 폭우로 산사태

페이지 정보

작성자 에듀페낭 작성일20-10-11 20:24 조회1,250회 댓글0건


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저기는 관광객들이 많이 다니는 곳인데.


Landslide on Penang Hill following continuous downpour 



GEORGE TOWN: A landslide was reported on Penang Hill this afternoon following continuous heavy rain.

In the 3pm incident, a large boulder, between 1m and 1.5m in diameter, rolled down a slope near the playground to the road, destroying the metal railing along the way.

No one was injured in the incident.

Penang Hill Corporation (PHC) general manager Datuk Cheok Lay Leng said PHC staff members immediately covered the landslide area with tarpaulin sheets to prevent further erosion. 





1. 말레이시아 페낭&랑카위 (생활,교육,정착,부동산) 단체 톡방 입니다.

  (톡방 회원이 400명 가까이 계셔서 많은 정보 도움 되실거에요.
   사행성 투자사기 스펨광고로 비번 걸려 있어요.)

2. 페낭,랑카위 한달살기/국제학교답사  (에듀페낭)
    www.edupenang.com "공부하는 홈스테이" (의대/간호대, 호주/미국연계)

3. 시티투어, 계곡래프팅, 스노쿨링, 다이빙, 동굴탐험, 
   골프리조트 패키지, 페낭/랑카위<-->KL Door to Door 픽업



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