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페낭 청소년 코로나백신 접종 예정 (9월4째주)

페이지 정보

작성자 에듀페낭 작성일21-09-19 07:51 조회1,086회 댓글0건


Penang teens to be vaccinated from fourth week of September, says Khairy

말레이시아 보건부 장관이 9월11일 방문시에,

페낭에 있는 청소년에 대한 코로나백신접종은 9월4째주 부터 시행할 예정이라고 


대상인원은 13만명으로 예상되고 학교에서 학생들에게 소집연락이 갈 예정입니다. 





GEORGE TOWN: Penang will start a vaccination programme for teenagers in the next two weeks, says Khairy Jamaluddin.


The Health Minister said the ministry has made a projection on the implementation and the programme will start in the fourth week of September.

"We will implement the vaccination exercise among the teenagers, and most of it will be done at schools where they will be called by their respective schools to receive the jabs," he said during a press conference during his visit to Penang on Saturday (Sept 11).

He said there are about 130,000 teenagers in the state who have been identified as eligible for the programme.





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