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싱가포르, 공공장소에서 마스크 안 쓴 영국인 징역형

페이지 정보

작성자 에듀페낭 작성일21-08-19 05:10 조회947회 댓글0건



Singapore jails Briton for not wearing face mask in public

마스크 안쓴 외국인 6주동안 감옥에서...

페낭에 마스크 안쓴 웨스턴 무지 많은데....






SINGAPORE (Reuters) - A Singapore court sentenced a British man to six weeks in prison on Wednesday, local media reported, after he repeatedly breached coronavirus protocols by refusing to wear a face mask in public.


Benjamin Glynn, 40, was found guilty on four charges over his failure to wear a mask on a train in May and at a subsequent court appearance in July, as well as causing a public nuisance and using threatening words towards public servants.


Glynn was earlier subjected to a psychiatric assessment ordered by the judge as a result of his conduct and remarks in court.






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