말레이시아 관공서 및 공공기관
페이지 정보
작성자 에듀페낭 작성일15-05-19 15:22 조회4,262회 댓글0건본문
순번 | 기관명 | 사이트 주소 |
1 | 총리실(Prime Minister' Department) | |
2 | 국회(Parliament of Malaysia) | |
3 | 연방법원(Federal Court of Malaysia) | |
4 | 외교부(Ministry of Foreign Affairs) | |
5 | 재정부(Ministry of Finance) | |
6 | 내무부(Ministry of Home Affairs) | |
7 | 국방부(Ministry of Defence) | |
8 | 교육부(Ministry of Education) | |
9 | 국제통상산업부(Ministry of International Trade & Industry) | |
10 | 과학기술혁신부(Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation) | |
11 | 관광부(Ministry of Tourism) | |
12 | 에너지녹색기술및수자원부(Ministry of Energy, Green Technology & Water) | |
13 | 교통부(Ministry of Transportation) | |
14 | 정보통신문화부(Ministry of Information, Communications and Culture) | |
15 | 고등교육부(Ministry of Higher Education) | |
16 | 국내유통및소비자부(Ministry of Domestic Trade, Co-operatives & Consumerism) | |
17 | 보건부(Ministry of Health) | |
18 | 여성가족지역개발부(Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development) | |
19 | 농업및농업관련산업부(Ministry of Agriculture & Agro-based Industry) | |
20 | 농어촌및지역개발부(Ministry of Rural and Regional Development) | |
21 | 천연자원환경부(Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment) | |
22 | 연방령부(Ministry of Federal Territories & Urban Well-being) | |
23 | 인력자원부(Ministry of Human Resources) | |
24 | 주택지방정부부(Ministry of Housing & Local Government) | |
25 | 청소년체육부(Ministry of Youth and Sports) | |
26 | 건설부(Ministry of Works) | |
27 | 플랜테이션산업 및 1차상품부(Ministry of Plantation Industries & Commodities) | |
28 | 법무처 (Attorney General's Chamber) | |
29 | 중앙은행 (Bank Negara Malaysia) | |
30 | 총리 공식홈페이지(1Malaysia) | |
31 | 연방 토지개발당국(Federal Land Development Authority) | |
32 | 이민국(Immigration Department of Malaysia) | |
33 | 말레이시아 정부포털(Malaysia Government Portal) | |
34 | 왕립 세관(Royal Malaysian Customs Department) | |
35 | 해양 집행 기구(Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency) | |
36 | 말레이시아 해양학회(Maritime Institute of Malaysia) | |
37 | 국제전략연구소(Institute of Strategic & International Studies Malaysia) | |
38 | 말레이시아 외교 및 국제관계학회(Institute of Diplomacy & Foreign Relations Malaysia) | |
39 | 산업개발당국(Malaysian Industrial Development Authority) | |
40 | 경찰청(Royal Malaysia Police) | |
41 | 도로교통부(Road Transport Department of Malaysia) | |
42 | 국세청(Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia) | |
43 | 쿠알라룸푸르 시청(Kuala Lumpur City Hall) | |
44 | 말레이시아 기상청(Meteorological Department) | http:/www.met.gov.my |
45 | 말레이시아 조사 및 지도 작성기관(Official Portal for Department for Survey and Mapping Department) |
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