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말레이시아 정보게시판

SIS 국제학교 2019년 학비 (Straits International School)

페이지 정보

작성자 에듀페낭 작성일18-12-18 09:58 조회2,801회 댓글0건



Straits International School (SIS)

Address: 2, Lilitan Sungai Tiram, 11950 Bayan Lepas
Phone: +60 4-643 1815


Following the British Cambridge curriculum, Straits International School was newly established in Penang in 2012. In 2016, they moved to a new campus situated in Bayan Lepas, the south part of Penang island, close to the Penang International Airport. Mandarin language is compulsory for all students here. The school accepts students all year round as there is no set academic intakes. SIS places importance in the relationship between home and school; parents are encouraged and given the platform to be involved in their children’s education and life in the school through the Parents Association and Parent Support Group. Parents of new students are given the opportunity by the school to connect with other parents.​ 






자료원 : 에듀페낭 (페낭현지 국제학교/정착/비자 전문) ,  www.edupenang.com

          페낭여행 (페낭여행, 랑카위여행 현지전문) , www.penangtour.net

          알럽페낭 (페낭 현지 생활/교육/부동산 공유 까페) ,   http://cafe.daum.net/ilovepenang 






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