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페낭은 CNN에서 선정한 가고싶은곳 15번째 도시

페이지 정보

작성자 에듀페낭 작성일19-03-22 08:07 조회1,676회 댓글0건



Penang Named One of Top 19 Destinations to Visit in 2019 By CNN Travel

페낭은 15번째... 안타깝게 한국은 19위 안에 없습니다....



From its amazing food and gorgeous architecture to its stunning natural beauty, it’s easy to see why Penang is one of Malaysia’s most popular tourist destinations for not just locals, but international travellers as well. Now, CNN Travel just recently revealed its top 19 travel destinations for Spring 2019, and it featured none other than Penang on its list! Penang was also listed among top international destinations like Mexico, Spain, and Greece, to name a few. CNN Travel highlighted The Habitat, Penang Hill’s 130-million-year-old rainforest, and its exotic wildlife among the island’s perfect attractions to visit during the springtime, as rains build from April to October.

우선은 5위 까지만....


1. Aegean Islands, Greece

2. Barcelona, Spain

3. Cancun, Mexico


4. Grand Canyon, Arizona


5. Keukenhof Gardens, Holland


Read more at WOB: https://www.worldofbuzz.com/penang-named-one-of-top-19-destinations-to-visit-in-2019-by-cnn-travel/





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